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History of pumpkin and its different types

In this article, we will introduce the history and types of pumpkin. It is one of the oldest plants that has been cultivated since 5000 BC and has a sweet taste and soft texture.

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The Incredible Health Benefits of Pumpkin

History of pumpkin and its different types

Pumpkin derives its name from the Greek word “pepon”, which literally means “big melon”. Native Americans in the northeastern part of Mexico and the southern United States roasted pumpkin over a fire and then ate it. Pumpkin has a smooth, slightly ribbed skin and is often yellow to dark orange in color with a thick skin containing seeds and pulp. It is available in unique shapes, sizes and colors and comes in a variety of flavors. Pumpkin is rich in zinc and vitamins C and E, which help keep your skin healthy. They are also a rich source of vitamin A, potassium and fiber.

pumpkin is grown from late May to early July in early July in the far south of the United States and is grown for a variety of uses, from agricultural purposes (such as animal feed) to commercial.

Pumpkin is suitable for decorating Halloween in the fall, it is also used in a variety of soups, pies and other foods.

Different types of pumpkin

Pumpkin is a type of winter squash that can be from 60 cm to 6 meters long, so depending on the variety of plants that you can find the right type for any garden. The long growing season of these plants is about 100 days, so they grow in any area that has at least this number of frost-free days.

Kent Pumpkin

These sweet varieties, also known as Japanese pumpkin, are suitable for use in salads. They have a gray and mottled green exterior and darker yellow flesh. Kent pumpkin is best cooked for consumption.

Butternut pumpkin

Butternut pumpkin is an unusual bell with orange flesh that is sweeter than other pumpkin and is therefore very popular. - History types

Dumpling Pumpkin

Dumpling pumpkin is small in size, on average 10-12 cm in diameter, slightly rounded and has a slit at the top of the stem. It has a thin skin with vertical green lines.

Dumpling pumpkin can be fried or steamed with meat, cheese, cereals or other vegetables and can be roasted and served as a separate dish. - History types

Queensland Blue Pumpkin

Queensland pumpkin is dark blue. The Queensland pumpkin, as its name implies, is an old Australian blue-skinned squash that is ideal for growing in the subtropics.

The largest pumpkin producing countries in the world

  1. China 7,838,809 tons
  2. India 5,073,678 tons
  3. Russian Federation 1,224,711 tons
  4. Ukraine 1,209,810 tons
  5. United States 1,005,150 tons
  6. Mexico 677,048 tons
  7. Indonesia 603,325 2,277 tons
  8. Italy 580,188 9.6 tons
  9. Cuba 518,862 tons
  10. Turkey 489,999 tons

Nutrition facts of pumpkin in 100 g

  • Total fat 0.1 g
  • Saturated fat 0 g
  • Unsaturated fat 0 g
  • Cholesterol 0 mg
  • Sodium 1 mg
  • Potassium 230 mg
  • Total carbohydrates 4.9 g
  • Fiber 1.1 g
  • Sugars 2.1 g
  • Protein 0.7 g

Health benefits of pumpkin

Pumpkin has a low calorie density and also the fiber in it can help you lose weight. Pumpkin has 1.1 grams of fiber per 100 grams. A high-fiber diet can help you gain and maintain a healthy weight. Fiber-rich foods make you feel full for a long time, and this prevents overeating.

Dried pumpkin

Pumpkin is one of the most versatile vegetables which you can not only make soup even it can also be eaten in three forms: fresh, canned and dried pumpkin. One of the most common storage techniques for pumpkin is drying. This process increases the shelf life of the pumpkin by removing water and moisture. Drying not only increases the shelf life of the pumpkin, but you can also enjoy all the health benefits of the pumpkin as well.


  2. Pumpkin: A Brief History


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