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Read more -GMO-and-Non-GMO-product

What is GMO and Non-GMO product?

Non-GMO is a product with no laboratory and artificial modification in its genes and it is not derived by GMO. No hormones, pesticides, or genetic modification should be conditioned to the organic and Non-GMO products. Even the additives of a Non-GMO products should not be made of any GMO material. Then natural products are not changed into GMO chronically and GMO is a process that is only carried out in the laboratory by genetic engineering science.

GMO is the short form of the genetically modified organism which can be used for animals, plants, microorganisms with change and modification in their genetic and DNA. This modification can go through the combination of the genes of different organism types such as viruses, microbes, plants, and humans together to produce a new gene that does not naturally exist.

Therefore, Foodlord Co. produces natural products without any genetic modification and any additives, so all the products are natural and Non- GMO.

The difference between the artificial and GMO products

Artificial products are the ones made commercially or experimentally and are not genetically modified. These products are not naturally found and should be synthetized in the laboratory from the natural or chemical compounds.

Why Non-GMO products are preferred?

Since GMO products are used for animal feeds or automobile fuel, no need to use GMO food products for humans because GMO foods bring non-nutritious processes to the body. Therefore, they are hazardous for humans. Non-GMO products are preferred in the food industry because of not having any side effects or harm to health. 

Ref: What are GMO and Non-GMO products?


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