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How to improve the diabetes diet by dried fruit?

How to improve the diabetes diet by dried fruit?

The main problem of diabetics is the disability of the body to produce insulin. Insulin is the hormone of blood sugar regulation. Therefore, the lack of this hormone in the body increases blood sugar and diabetes. Consuming dried fruit is a good suggestion to control this disease.

There are 3 types of diabetes that you can read in the article “Diabetes and Dried Fruits in its Diet“.

Despite many efforts and researches about foods, the consumption of fruits and vegetables is unfortunately insufficient. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of chronic cardiovascular disease.

Using dried fruit

One way to improve the diet without fresh vegetables and fruits is to use dried fruit as a snack. In addition, dried fruit is useful for diabetics because of having low glycemic index. The glycemic index shows the blood sugar and carbohydrate digestions. Thus, dried fruit can control blood glucose better. As well, it can reduce the risk of diabetes type II.

dried fruit

Dried fruit testing in diabetic diet by INC and NDFTA

A test was conducted in this field by International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC), and National Dried Fruit Association (NDFTA). The first diet only had white bread. In the second diet, they replaced 50% of white bread with dried fruit. Finally, they only used dried fruit instead of white bread in the last step. The results showed that the higher the percentage of dried fruit, the more the glycemic index reduced. Hence, replacing dried fruit with sugars and carbohydrates is a good way to lose weight and control blood sugar. Thus, you can permanently use dried fruit in the diabetes diet.


Foodlord Company is active in production of dried fruits and nuts and exports the highest-quality products to all over the world.

The public use of dried fruit and nuts as well as improving diabetes diets are the main goals of Foodlord Company. In addition, this company thinks to the public health by producing natural dried fruit without any added sugar.




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