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History and types of mushrooms

In this article, we will introduce the types of mushrooms and its history. Mushrooms are a valuable and popular food today because they are low in calories, carbohydrates, fats and sodium and also have no cholesterol. In addition, the mushrooms provides important nutrients including selenium, potassium, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin D, protein and fiber.

History and types of mushrooms

The ancient Greeks believed that mushrooms provided power to warriors in war, and the Romans called them “food of the gods.” Chinese culture has recognized mushrooms as a healthy food and “elixir of life” for centuries, and the Japanese have been using mushrooms for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.

Mushrooms are one of the most delicious foods in the world. Especially used for its unique taste as a culinary wonder. There are more than 2,000 species of mushrooms in the wild, but about 25 species are widely consumed as food and a small number of them are grown commercially. Mushrooms are considered as a delicious food with high nutritional value.

White button mushrooms

White Button Mushroom is the most common type of mushroom available. Ninety percent of the mushrooms we eat are of this type. It can be eaten raw or cooked and can be used in soups, salads and pizzas.

Portabello mushrooms

This kind mushroom of is the most common type of mushroom in Italian cuisine, which adds depth to sauces and pasta and is a good substitute for meat. Portabello mushroom is the size of your palm and their fleshy texture is suitable for grilling or cooking.

Chanterelle mushrooms

Chanterelle mushroom is trumpet-like, with a recess in the center of its cap, it is one of the most popular wild mushrooms. Because they are so difficult to breed so you can find them usually in nature. Golden, fleshy and firm, they smell like apricots. They are common in many European dishes, including French and Austrian, they are native to the United States. This type of mushroom is found in abundance in the west and northwest of the Pacific Ocean from September to the cold months. - history - types

Cremini mushrooms

Cremini is actually part of the same kind of button mushroom but the brown creamy mushroom has slightly deeper flavor. - history - types

Porcini mushrooms

These famous mushroom (also known in French as King Bolete or cèpe) are grown in Europe, North America and parts of Asia and grow naturally in pine forests at the base of trees. It is harvested in the fall in Central Europe and used for consumption or export. Porcini mushrooms can be bought fresh or canned, but are mostly sold dried. - types - history

The largest mushrooms producing countries in the world

  1. China        7,797,929
  2. Italy          683,620
  3. United States of America         419,630
  4. The Netherlands        300,000
  5. Poland       260,140 
  6. Spain          197,010
  7. Iran            150,063
  8. Canada      133,935
  9. France       101,949 
  10. United Kingdom     99,813

Nutrition fact of mushroom in 100 grams

  • Total Fat 0.5 g
  • Saturated Fat 0.1 g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat 0.2g
  • Monounsaturated Fat 0g
  • Cholesterol 0 mgmilligrams
  • Sodium 2 mgmilligrams
  • Potassium 356 mgmilligrams
  • Total Carbohydrates 5.3 ggrams
  • Dietary Fiber 2.2 ggrams
  • Sugars 2.3 ggrams
  • Protein 2.2 g

Health benefits of mushrooms

Mushrooms are a low-calorie food that contains nutrients. Rich in vitamins, minerals and fortifying antioxidants, they have long been recognized as an important part of any diet. For example, mushrooms that are exposed to ultraviolet light are a good source of vitamin D which is an important component of bone health and immunity.

The anti-inflammatory effect of mushrooms have been shown to greatly improve the functioning of the immune system. Research has shown that the mushrooms helps stimulate microphages in the immune system.

Dried mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms are a great choice but they have a lot of moisture and spoil in a short time. Dried mushrooms not only have a longer shelf life but also their flavor will be preserved during this time and it’s a convenient and affordable choice for flavoring a variety of stews and foods.


  1. The History of Magic Mushrooms
  2. 10 types of mushrooms you need to try


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