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Read more - What is Sedex Standard Certification

What is Sedex Standard Certification?

Sedex Standard Certification makes the business simpler because it is one of the world’s largest collaborative platforms for sharing responsible sourcing data on supply chains. As Sedex says, “it is one of the world’s ethical trade membership organizations working with businesses to improve working conditions in the global supply chain”. Sedex searches for the responsibility and sustainability of organizations to protect workers and source ethically by providing platforms, tools, and services. Sedex is used by more than 50000 members in over 150 countries. 

Sedex is used in companies to manage the performances of labor rights, health safety, environment, and business ethics. Sedex services enable its members to combine many types of data, standards, and certificates to have better business decisions, continuous improvement in their value chain.

How Sedex works?

Sedex is the partner of most organizations factories, producers, and industry experts all over the world. It concerns the right standards, information, and technologies to have good impacts on the world business and people ethically. Sedex does not audit and certify. It brings an independent framework for the business to develop at a global scale. Sedex works by SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) and SSP (Sedex Stakeholder Forum).

SMETA is a social audit procedure in the world to access the site and suppliers in the supply chain. It provides a globally recognized way to access responsible supply chain activities by organizations themselves including labor rights, health, safety, environment, and business ethics.  These are the 4 pillars of SMETA. There should be no child and forced labor in the site of manufacturing.

 SSF manages the ongoing development of SMETA and is made by brands and retailers. Sedex works by its guidelines in SMETA and the observation of SSF.

Benefits of Sedex standard certification

  • Easy to access information or data to a secure place
  • Developing ethical business practices
  • Business data management properly
  • Improving business efficiency of the organization
  • Reducing workload and better employee involvement
  • Better management of social and environmental performance and working condition in the supply chain
  • Data exchange
  • Business risk management,
  • Meeting compliance,
  • Making opportunities for ethical business

Foodlord the high quality dried fruits, dried vegetables, and nuts by following the requirements of Sedex standard.

Ref: What is Sedex Standard Certification?


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